Friday, November 20, 2009

Are People Really That Desperate?

Seriously! Ok. So yesterday I saw New Moon at 9:30pm! Yes, I had advanced tickets, and I was so excited! I'm so glad my friend got them for me, I so have to give her something in return that's even better! But anyways, that's not the point. People in this world are so desperate. So when the movie finished at around midnight, there was this huge line of people, standing to see the midnight showing of New Moon! It was crazy! Like the movies aren't even that great (if you've read the books, that's what you'd think). The only time I'd stand in line at midnight till whatever time later on that day, would be for something more important like, I don't One of those crazy things where you run into the store and try and grab as much crap as you possibly can, where you don't even have to buy it! Now that's when I'd stand in line. But I've never done anything like that anyways. But seriously. For Twilight? For New Moon? Definitely not worth it. Get a life people. Edward's not even hott. Only the Edward that you imaged while reading the saga is hott.

Btw. Here's a picture I just drew of what the line looked like for the midnight showing of New Moon:

And yes, this line is outside of the building. And it was less than 50°C, and it was raining. People are just so desperate. Wow...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pay Attention To Your Surroundings

I've been to Montgomery Mall so many times, I've lost count. But the sad thing is, I only go to the same stores there. Which are your typical teen clothing stores: Abercrombie, Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropostale, American Apparel, etc. (I just noticed that they all start with 'A')
Anyways, yesterday, my cousin stopped by my house to eat dinner, and brought this delicious tea with him. He said he got it from this store called Teavana. And when I asked him where it was located, he said Montgomery Mall.
Later on that night, I called up one of my best friends and asked her if she's ever had Teavana, but she had no clue what I was talking about. And this friend who I called, she shops more at Montgomery Mall than I do, which is even sadder. This just shows how well people pay attention to their surroundings.
A message to all: Pay attention to your surroundings! Be able to recognize everything and everyone, because you never know what will happen. There could be a shooting, and your questioned as a witness of what happened. If you didn't pay enough attention to the area, you wouldn't be very helpful to investigation force for trying to catch the shooter. So pay attention well!
Also, visit Their tea really is delicious; simply delicious. And here is an image of some Teavana tea. Enjoy!