Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wild Boars

Over the weekend, my mother and I went to the Credit Union to deposit a check. But when we arrived, to our surprise we found out that the bank wasn't going to up until thirty minutes later. So we decided to go shopping at a nearby shopping mall. (I know. We were going to deposit and save some money.) Anyways, after an hour of shopping, we headed back to the bank. But on our way back, we saw two pigs crossing the street. Pigs! We live in the city, not the country. But yes. There was a mother pig and her piglet. They were adorable, even though they were all grungy looking and my mother was freaking out. I wish we could have taken pictures of them before they hurried into the bushes and trees. Oh well. Anyways, it really makes me wonder how they survive in such little forest. We human kind are vicious beings; we destroy the Earth, which in turn destroys other species. And we will eventually destroy ourselves. (Well, we practically are doing that right now with all of these wars.) Oh, and later on, my mother asked her brother if he knew where the pigs had come from. And he responded, "The piggy bank."

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Last week I was riding the metro subway to school and all of a sudden this huge wave of people started coming in. Luckily I was sitting down so I wasn't washed away, but there was this one poor girl who had a really difficult time. She was shoved from all sides. But the really sad part was she was super skinny. I'm not talking slightly underweight, she was VERY underweight. Like I didn't even know this was possible, but I could see the bones in the back of her calves. I almost got sick. It was seriously scary.

But there's one thing I do know. I will NEVER, ever, become anorexic. Like I wouldn't be able to become one even if I wanted to. I love eating. Period. And I especially enjoy eating pastries (which I shouldn't because they make you fat). But lesson to all, do not become anorexic or bulimic, because when you don't eat, or when you throw-up your food, your not getting any nutrient. This in turn forces your body to search for its nutrients elsewhere, and that else where is from the body itself. Your body will start to devour itself, and once there is nothing left to take, you die do to heart failure (because your heart will start to struggle to keep itself beating due to the lack of nutrients.) So my main point is, eat so you don't look like a walking skeleton, and so that you will live.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ever heard of?...

Have you ever heard of the c-string before? Supposedly it's a big thing now, and is giving the g-string competition. I'm not even sure where I heard of it, but the next thing I know is I was watching a youtube video about it. If you want to find out more, search it on the internet. You'll understand why I'm not going into detail about it.

But one thing that I will say about it; you'll never find me wearing one. lol.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Freaking Incidents

I don't know why all these horrible incidents keep on happening to me this summer. For instance, one day was hanging out with two of my friends, Gabby and Isaac, and we went to see some movie. When we walked out of the theater, I walked ahead of them since I'm a fast walker. But when I was walking back toward them, this strange, old man who had a very nice, professional camera all of a sudden started taking pictures of me my feet! And the grossest part about it was he was so into taking the pictures; he was focused and everything! It was so disgusting! And the sad part about this is, my girl friend saw this incident, while my guy friend didn't. This is one reason why should pay better attention to your surroundings!

Another incident that happened today occurred once I got off the metro subway. There was this man who was lying on the ground, and I believe he wasn't breathing...It must have been more than five minutes since they had first aid surrounding him, but if you don't breath for more than five minutes, then your brain dead. Equaling...dead. And while I was walking away from the station, about five minutes later did the ambulance car come. But the sad part about this incident was that everyone was walking past him as if nothing had happened; as if nothing was wrong. The only people who were distressed were his daughter and wife...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Banana Diet

What I have noticed with my recent eating habits is that I've been losing weight. I usually have bananas on top of my cereal; a small lunch, if not any; and a light dinner, typically a salad, or mostly vegetables. I've been eating like this for the past two weeks, and have lost five pounds. But if you eat more than necessary, then your weight goes back up. The banana diet isn't really a diet, it's just another one of those popular eating styles that everyone has to try. But eating bananas does have it's benefits: high in potassium, carbohydrates, protein, etc. And supposedly it helps strengthen the hair, stimulate the digestive system, and boost the mind. I guess I would recommend the banana diet, but again, it's just some trendy "diet" that will quickly be replaced by other "diets".

Here is the Banana Diet's homepage! -> http://morningbanana.com/
And here is the website where I learned of the Banana Diet! -> http://www.nanoda.com/en/japanese-cooking/asa-banana--the-morning-banana-the-new-diet-from-japan.html