Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wild Boars

Over the weekend, my mother and I went to the Credit Union to deposit a check. But when we arrived, to our surprise we found out that the bank wasn't going to up until thirty minutes later. So we decided to go shopping at a nearby shopping mall. (I know. We were going to deposit and save some money.) Anyways, after an hour of shopping, we headed back to the bank. But on our way back, we saw two pigs crossing the street. Pigs! We live in the city, not the country. But yes. There was a mother pig and her piglet. They were adorable, even though they were all grungy looking and my mother was freaking out. I wish we could have taken pictures of them before they hurried into the bushes and trees. Oh well. Anyways, it really makes me wonder how they survive in such little forest. We human kind are vicious beings; we destroy the Earth, which in turn destroys other species. And we will eventually destroy ourselves. (Well, we practically are doing that right now with all of these wars.) Oh, and later on, my mother asked her brother if he knew where the pigs had come from. And he responded, "The piggy bank."

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, you haven't yet had your crop, yard or health destroyed by one of these pests so you could better understand why, 1) what you're saying is patently idiotic, and 2) why it's necessary to control their population. Like most animal "rights" activists, you ignore the obvious implications behind your misguided views and then complain when the government is unable to keep you safe from the situation you've managed to create. Get a clue, dunce. READ a little about swine-based pestilences instead of cute piggy stories, to which you apparently have tried to ascribe some absurd sense of cartoonish reality.
